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Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip Summary
- 1-20-2014
- Categorized in: Innovations
The SQUEEZE: Legendary investor Jim Rogers is considered by Time magazine as the “Indiana Jones of finance.” Rogers believes that the best method for understanding how the global world functions is to analyze business situations on a mile-by-mile basis. This metaphor is best expressed in Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip, where Rogers suggests that leaders and everyday people can learn more about a country, not from speaking to the foreign minister, but by conversing with the madam of a brothel or your average black marketer. It is within this context that Rogers begins an adventure from Iceland, traveling through 116 countries such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Colombia, and East Timor, to name a few. In the book, Rogers (and his fiancé) remarks about he drove through war zones, deserts, epidemics, and blizzards all for the purpose of understanding the impact of global business. Rogers concludes by suggesting that the 21st-century will belong to China, there are fortunes to be made in Angola, and India will break into several countries. An opinionated piece of writing, Rogers’ Adventure Capitalist is ideal reading for both business and country leaders.
Notable Endorsement: “This is a gutsy travelogue adventure from a guy who shoots straight from the hip, and it really hits the mark.-- David Siegfried, American Library Association
Common Q’s Answered by this Book:
- How might analyzing the global business landscape contribute to an understanding of how the world, in general, functions?
- What would conversing with everyday people inform future business techniques?
- What is the common link between the impact of war zones, epidemics, and blizzards and their impact upon business?
About the Author: Jim Rogers won a scholarship to Yale University and subsequently attended Balliol College at Oxford University. Rogers later entered the Army and worked on Wall Street. Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund, a global investment partnership. Rogers served as a professor of finance at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. Rogers’ first book is titled Investment Biker (1994). For more information, visit: http://www.jimrogers.com/.
Book Vitals:
- Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks (December 2004)