Squeezed Contributor

Content Posted by Squeezed Contributor

A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age Summary

The SQUEEZE: Right-brain thinkers are typically creative. They are artists, inventors, and writers (storytellers). In essence, they see the world through the prism of creativity. On the other hand, left-brain thinkers are logical, rational, and an...

Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days

This book is a collection of interviews, so it’s impossible to summarize as one might with a “big idea book”, however, we’ll try and extract some of the best insight and anecdotes here.

Caesar's Guide for Innovators

Caesar was a fantastically successful general, politician and writer. Todd O'Brien applies what can learn from Caesar when it comes to product development and entrepreneurship.

Little Black Book of Entrepreneurship

Being an entrepreneur can down right suck. Make sure your doing it for the right reasons.

In Search of Stupidity: Over Twenty Years of High Tech Marketing Disasters, Second Edition

Stupidity is the breaking factor for understanding which high tech companies succeed and which fail.

The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google

The Big Switch  - everything is going from local to the "cloud"

The Seven-Day Weekend: Changing the Way Work Works

Name your own boss, name your own salary with this co-motivational management style.

StrengthsFinder 2.0: A New and Upgraded Edition of the Online Test from Gallup's Now, Discover Your Strengths

Focusing on your natural stengths will speed the time to results and result in far more growth as compared to focusing on improving weaknesses.